Dividing episodes
If you want to divide the segment AB into two halves, arcs with a radius greater than half of the segment AB should be drawn from points A and B. We mark the intersections of the arcs with points C and D. Connecting them together, we get the intersection of the connecting line with AB at point O, which divides the section AB into two halves (figure a). In a similar way, we can divide the same segment into 4, 8, 16 equal parts (drawing b).

We divide the segment AC into any number of equal parts (for example on 5) using a ruler or compass. From point A, we draw a straight line at any angle, on which we put off 5 any length of the sections. We connect points C and B. Through the division points on the line AB. Marked 5, 4, 3, 2 i 1, draw with a triangle and a ruler parallel to BC (stiffened layout), which will divide the line AC into five equal parts (drawing).

We also divide the line into parts in certain proportions, e.g. 4:3, using the method described above (drawing).

The areas of squares and rectangles can be divided into any number of different surfaces, using the same principles, what about the breakdown of episodes. The position of the measures in relation to the sides of the square or rectangle may be arbitrary (drawing).