Everyone is different

Everyone is different.

Good morning! How's your day? Today we would like to raise a very difficult topic with you, what is disability. Why difficult? Otóż, many of us often do not know, how to behave towards such people,

Poland - my country

Poland - my country.

Hi! What's up? We hope, that yesterday you rocked a bit to the music. Today we will talk about Poland - our homeland. We would like to encourage you to learn more about it, because it is extremely important, to know the place,

We encrypt

We encrypt.

Hi! We're very happy, that you are visiting us again. Today we have prepared a topic for you, that will surely interest you. We'll talk about ciphers. We would like to give you a hint, how to encode messages like this, that they can only be understood by people, które znają klucz potrzebny

Santa's Snowflakes

Santa's Snowflakes

oh those women in very short red dresses 🙂

What can I say, Snowflake is the most beautiful addition to Santa. Frankly speaking, today I cannot imagine working on Christmas without my assistant in a skimpy dress (probably some dads too:)) Zapytacie

What should Santa's visit look like

What should Santa's visit look like.

I remember my first visit… although I was never fearful and had good contact with children, my legs were unfortunately like cotton before going to the first door with a full sack. Fortunately, the devil is not that scary …

In the hive

In the hive.

Hello! How are you? Have you taken advantage of our proposals and played several games on paper with your family? Today we will talk about the very hardworking, useful and extremely organized animals, what are the bees. If you want to get to know the amazing ones better

Who would you like to become in the future?

Who would you like to become in the future?

Hi! Good to see you again. We are very interesting, how you coped with our escape room. If you haven't had a chance to play yet, we encourage you to read the post: The mystery of an abandoned house. Today we will tell ourselves about

In the world of fairy tales

In the world of fairy tales.

Hello! How are you? We hope, that you are in good humor, and even if not, it will be in a moment 🙂 We would like to invite you today to the world of fairy tales. We are sure, that you like him as much as we do. Not

Do you speak English?

Do you speak English?

Hi! How are you? We hope, that our yesterday's post inspired you to create beautiful works and encouraged you to be eco. Today many new ones are waiting for you, interesting challenges. Thanks to them you will find out, how well you know