What should Santa's visit look like

What should Santa's visit look like.

I remember my first visit… although I was never fearful and had good contact with children, my legs were unfortunately like cotton before going to the first door with a full sack. Fortunately, the devil is not as scary as he is painted, but only fear had big eyes.
So everyone will ask, what a visit to a child should look like, especially the former. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not easy. Why ?? Because every house is different, and more importantly, each child is so individual, that it is impossible to prepare a schedule for such a visit.

However, some beginners' tips can be given before they figure out some best practices for a good visit themselves.

First of all, a good entry is what counts. Remember, that the child is often stressed by a visit and often even the biggest little wise man 🙂 when confronted with Santa Claus can get scared and the visit may turn out to be a failure. When you see the frightened faces of kids, don't try to appear more threatening than you really are. After all, you care about their smile, and not on bad childhood memories.

Second, listen to the children, they often don't want to be questioned. They will tell you more themselves than you will find out by asking: "What about kindergarten, and you were polite "etc..

Third, give each child enough attention and don't single out any of them.

Well, remember to be nice and you will surely be okay.

For menacing-looking Santa Clauses, a good solution is to work with Snowflake, but more about snowflakes in the section especially about them ...