The bunny is shopping

The bunny is shopping

Mother talks to the bunny:
– I don't want to go to the store alone.
Buy me some butter, dear son.
On the street – don't break your leg!
Don't pick your nose! Don't lose the net!
Bow to your mother's friends!
Speak: “Thank you” – paying in the store!
Don't run better on the road!
Even if you want to be terrible,
Don't play soccer, because they will kick you!
Buy me some butter … The store is close.
You will remember, son, All ?

The hare replied after some thought:
– I will fulfill your wish strictly.

Zając kits in the street
Keep the nets from the hand.
He remembers his mother's words –
“We bow to our friends”.
“Thank you” – “Please”. Basket. Fail.
It goes through the lanes on the road.
Mom remembers the warning –
He doesn't play football like kids …

Mom asks: You were in the store?
Did you buy butter for me?
And the bunny is pale.

We especially recommend it The wolf and the hare.