Move your head

Hi! It's nice to see you again. You've been moving a bit lately, and you also checked, how acute your senses are. Today, however, we want, so that you can practice logical thinking with us. We have prepared a few puzzles for you, that require a lot of thought.

The topic of our meeting is not accidental. 17 April is because we celebrate the World Rubik's Cube Day and this is where we will start. Worth knowing, that it was invented by Ernő Rubik w 1974 year. Putting it together for the first time was quite a problem for him and it took him a month! How are you doing?? If you don't have one at home, you can train online. Ułóż Rubik's Cube na komputerze.

Another way to stimulate gray cells is to solve Sudoku. You may have heard about this logic puzzle, and if not - we already explain, what's going on. The goal of the puzzle is to fill the 9 × 9 diagram like this, to be in each column (perpendicularly) and in each verse (horizontally) and in the 3 × 3 square there are digits from 1 do 9. It is not an easy task, but we believe, that if you practice a little, you can handle it perfectly. Rozwiąż Sudoku. Spróbuj zmierzyć się również z Picture Sudoku.

Nonograms are a very interesting puzzle, i.e. painting with numbers. A specific sequence of numbers is shown in each row and column of the diagram. It corresponds to a series of squares painted black. For example, sequence 2 – 1 – 2 means, that they should appear sequentially in a given row or column: two squares, one square and two squares - in black. Pomiędzy każdą grupą kwadratów musi być odstęp co najmniej jednego pustego pola. Rozwiąż Nongoramy. Na stronie znajdziesz dokładniejszą instrukcję, as well as other logic puzzles.

The Towers of Hanoi is another great game worth recommending. Although it may seem simple, it requires a lot of combining. It consists in shifting the disks from the first tower to the third one. Banal, true? Unfortunately, there is a catch 😉 Larger disks cannot be placed on smaller disks, and the task must be done, using as few moves as possible. Sprawdź się i zagraj w The towers of Hanoi.

If you are fed up with spending time in front of the computer, we offer you to make a logical toy yourself. Choose the difficulty level yourself and build your own unique maze.

We have prepared instructions for its implementation especially for you. If you want to create one at home, click on the link below and download the file to your computer:

Our last suggestion is Tangram - a Chinese puzzle of approx 3000 Years. It consists of 7 geometric figures. The task is to put them together like this, so that they form a square again, that is, the figure from which they were made. You will find many ready-made templates on the Internet, but you can do this puzzle yourself. go to the website: i dowiedz się, how to do it. In case of problems, ask for help from your parents.

At the end, website addresses with games and logic puzzles are posted. Have fun! Till Monday 🙂