Tell, how you feel.
Hi! How your weekend went? We hope, that you had a nice time and a bit of a thoughtful, solving logical puzzles proposed by us. Today we would like to talk to you about an extremely important topic, what are our emotions. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, we have all found ourselves in a very difficult situation, which even we – adults – cannot cope with. We would like to, so that you know, that you have the right to feel different emotions, not only joy, but also sadness, anger or fear. As, they accompany us every day, it is important to, to tame them, accept, and most of all - to understand.
In our opinion, the film entitled. It doesn't fit in the head. Unfortunately, we cannot include it here, but we hope so, that the trailer below will encourage you to watch it. We are very curious about your opinion. We would love to hear about it. Write to us and tell us about your feelings and thoughts!
If you are unable to watch said movie, Do not worry. We found two very short animations, through which you will learn, how to deal with fear and anger - emotions, which accompany all of us quite often, especially at the present time:
Our little hero has tame anger and fear quite successfully, true? What are your ways?
One of the methods to alleviate negative emotions, there is an anti-stress crease. Together with your parents, you can do it very easily. Check out the video below:
We hope, that you like the idea. We liked it very much.
Necessary to understand our emotions, and at the same time ourselves, of course, is the ability to recognize and name them. We are very interesting, how many of them can you name. Take a moment to think about it. Take a piece of paper and a pen, and then write down all emotions and feelings on a piece of paper, which do you know. Which accompany you most often? How do you deal with them? Ask your family members to do this exercise. If you like, compare your answers and discuss it.
Try to sort out the scattered words. Download to your computer and print anagramy. Which of these emotions and feelings are on your card?
Solve the memories we have prepared. Consider, what emotions each emotes represent. Can you name them?
All cliparts come from the website Commons Wikipedia.
In conclusion, we would like to, so that you would listen to this beautiful fairy tale about happiness and think, what emotions make up them.
if you like, make an illustration based on the fairy tale you heard. You can also create a comic dedicated to emotions. Share your work with us. We are happy to publish it on the blog.
remember, that emotions are an integral part of our lives. Everyone has the right to feel both positive, and negative. Know, that you can always count on family support, loved ones, as well as ours. If you have a problem, which you would like to talk about or you feel unwell and upset, contact us using Skype or by sending a private message. We will certainly listen to you and try to help.
That's it for today. See you tomorrow 🙂