Where to look for Santa.
Friends, Internet, press and kindergartens. In these places you will most often find a local Santa Claus.
Personally I think, that the best advisers are friends and their opinions. Ask your neighbors, colleagues from work, maybe someone knows or maybe someone has used and has contact with the saint. In Poland, the role of Santa was very often played by a neighbor or uncle. I will not judge these ideas, because someone else will accuse me of aversion to “free” Mykolaiv as a competition. None of these things. I just be careful, that children are too sharp and perceptive not to notice, that Santa, who visited them has a voice, wedding ring or shoes the same as the neighbor, who is a frequent guest at home. Oh well, I leave the decision to you…
As an anecdote, I will cite the example of my music teacher from years ago, I have never been at home privately, and with whom I had the opportunity to host several times as a gift-giving Santa Claus. To this day, he recalls how his son carefully checks everyone's shoes after each visit, who come to the house to catch whoever has played the role of a saint.