Calligraphy – the art of beautiful writing.
Beautiful writing is also an art. Wskazuje na to sama nazwa calligraphy - the art of careful and aesthetic writing, and often also artistically decorated. The science of calligraphy was to shape character, patience, was a basic subject in schools (source Wikipedia). Many people are very fond of decorating letters, create subtitles for special occasions, which will be full of arcs, loops and others dekoracji.
Using the computer, we have often enriched the fonts with these, which let's consider more imaginary. The inspiration for many became famous bestsellers, i.e.. Hobbit, The Lord of the Ring. In addition to history, the author woven elements of elven spelling (otherwise unreal). In conclusion, I would like to present one of the types of fonts, which I encountered a long time ago. I have used it many times, on various occasions. But by the way, I would like to warn you. If you want to use a similar typeface on leaflets, posters, etc.. it is sincerely discouraged. The reader only after a momentary look at the advertising form must know who he is dealing with. Fancy and fictitious letters discourage subconsciously, although they can really like.