Cuba and Cuba

Cuba and Cuba.

Long time ago, long ago, in a small town, There lived a little boy named Kuba. Kuba was a preschooler, he loved playing in the sandbox, eat ice cream and watch cartoons. One day, Kuba ate delicious pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast



Long time ago, long ago, in a small house on the edge of the forest, lived a little one, a red kitten named Mruczek. Mruczek was a very curious cat, he loved wandering around the garden and discovering new nooks and crannies. One sunny morning, The purr was walking in the garden, when he suddenly came across

Cat and poop

Cat and poop.

Long time ago, long ago, in a small house on the edge of the forest, There lived a cat named Mruczek. Mruczek was extremely curious about the world and loved discovering new nooks and crannies of his garden. One sunny morning, during a routine trip among flowers and bushes, came across

Bruno and the surprise

Bruno and the surprise.

Long time ago, long ago, in a small town, There lived a dog named Bruno. Bruno was a cheerful and mischievous puppy, who loved to run and play in the park. One sunny day, Bruno went for a walk with his master. He was running